Blog of Bloodworks Northwest

Tiffany McDermott, Volunteer & Cord Blood Evangelist: “Plenty of 10 out of 10 Matches if We All Donate” (S3 E25)

Blood has always been a part of Tiffany McDermott’s life. The recently-retired OB/GYN first grew up in a family of blood donors, then, throughout her career,Read more →

Amanda Kelly: Sometimes It Takes Something Personal (S3 E27)

It’s 2009 and Vashon Island’s Amanda Kelly is in the fight for her life with a flesh-eating bacterium. To this day, no one knows how sheRead more →

“From the Heart, to the Heart,” Chef Thierry Rautureau (S3 E23)

French-born Chef Thierry Rautureau has been a pillar of the Seattle culinary for decades as the visionary of such seminal restaurants as Rover’s Loulay, and Luc.Read more →

“Market-to-Heart: Traci Calderon, Nourishing Community” (S3 E 22)

Traci Calderon at Atrium Kitchen in Pike Place Market “backed into” life as a restaurateur here in Seattle. She started Atrium Kitchen by providing free andRead more →