Blog of Bloodworks Northwest

Getting Real About Emergencies – Blood Services Executive VP Vicki Finson (S1 E6)

Bloodworks Northwest’s Executive Vice President of Blood Services Vicki Finson knows what happens behind the scenes when the blood supply dips to emergency levels. Listen inRead more →

Born In Crisis – COVID-19 Curt Bailey (S1 E5)

As concern grows over the spread of COVID-19, Bloodworks Northwest, the leading provider of blood in the Pacific Northwest, sounds the alarm. The blood supply inRead more →

New Car Giveaway – Mark Gilman (S1 E4)

Imagine winning a brand-new car just for donating blood. In this episode, we travel across Puget Sound to Bremerton, Washington and talk to the staff atRead more →

Seven Times as Smart – Dr. N. Rebecca Haley (S1 E3)

Dr. N. Rebecca Haley is Medical Director of Cord Blood Services, the National Marrow Donor Program Donor Center and Apheresis Center at Bloodworks Northwest. She alsoRead more →