Blog of Bloodworks Northwest

Respecting each donation with Bloodworks’ Remnant Program

It’s every dedicated blood donor’s worst nightmare: you’ve just given a pint from your own veins and, for some unforeseen reason, it can’t be transfused. MaybeRead more →

Non-HLA antibodies in solid organ transplantation

Transplantation medicine continues to be an evolving field, with much still to understand. Mere decades ago, patients and donor organs were matched by little more thanRead more →

Cytomegalovirus and blood donation

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus spread through blood, saliva, breastmilk, and other bodily fluids. The name sounds mega scary, but it’s nothing to worry aboutRead more →

World Cord Blood Day: Tiffany’s story

Join us in celebrating World Cord Blood Day on November 15th. Bloodworks partners with local hospital birth centers and families in our community to collect andRead more →