Blog of Bloodworks Northwest

Seven Times as Smart – Dr. N. Rebecca Haley (S1 E3)

Dr. N. Rebecca Haley is Medical Director of Cord Blood Services, the National Marrow Donor Program Donor Center and Apheresis Center at Bloodworks Northwest. She alsoRead more →

The Snowboarding CEO – Curt Bailey Bloodworks 101 (S1 E2)

Bloodworks Northwest’s new President & CEO is Curt Bailey, a former Marine chopper pilot who takes a snowboarder’s approach to leadership in the competitive Seattle healthRead more →

Paying it Forward with Tom Newman – Bloodworks 101 (S1 E1)

Tom Newman is a courier for Seattle-based Bloodworks Northwest. In this episode of the monthly podcast, Bloodworks 101, Newman explains why he’d do this job whetherRead more →
Image of COVID-19 virus under a microscope surrounded by ABO blood types

COVID-19, Bloodworks, and you: Is blood type a risk factor for COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the landscape of everyday life for us all. The enormous burden faced by our medical, social, and economic systems has beenRead more →