Blog of Bloodworks Northwest

Remembering Stew Rogers

The Bloodworks Research Institute is an internationally renowned leader in blood and transfusion medicine research. Much of this lifesaving work was made possible by N. StewartRead more →

“Why Everything is Everything” Dr. Ashley Ellis (S3 E18)

Dr. Ashley Ellis, the Assistant Medical Director at Bloodworks Northwest could never figure out why Black History Month was only confined to February. Here at Bloodworks,Read more →

Jaclyn Schuenzel: When Donating Blood Comes Full Circle

When teacher and improv performer Jaclyn Schuenzel gave birth to her daughter Zelda in June 2020, life with her husband Marc Guy and the new babyRead more →

What’s blood clot to do with it? Raising funds for a blood clot imaging suite

The scientists at Bloodworks Research Institute probably wouldn’t tell you they plan to change the world. In fact, it’s hard to get a scientist to agreeRead more →