Blog of Bloodworks Northwest

Fear of Needles – I Want to Donate But … (S2 E1)

Do you have trypanophobia? It’s the fear of needles and it’s way more common than you think. In fact, it plays a huge role in whetherRead more →
Photo of childhood cancer doctor Dr. Katherine Tarlock with medical equipment

Blood donations make childhood cancer treatment possible

by Dr. Katherine Tarlock, pediatric oncologist at Seattle Children’s As a cancer doctor, I would say that blood transfusions are as essential to our patients’ careRead more →

Blood donations help kids with sickle cell disease live a normal life

By Alix Dassler, ARNP, advanced practice provider, Seattle Children’s Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic, Sickle Cell Program. My life’s work is taking care of children with sickleRead more →

Batter Up – Rick Rizzs (S1 E17)

Back in March, when the COVID-19 pandemic first began, it looked like the impact on our ability to collect blood would be devastating. Social distancing guidelinesRead more →