Blog of Bloodworks Northwest

How does stomach cancer spread? It’s in the blood.

Cancer is a scary word. At its core, it’s a coup: almost any cell in the body can mutate or become damaged, start to grow uncontrollably,Read more →

Bloodworks Cord Blood Donation Program: a year in review

This past year has been filled with many obstacles – including another year of Covid-19, record-breaking staff shortages, and supply chain issues. Yet, despite all theseRead more →

Cytomegalovirus and blood donation

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus spread through blood, saliva, breastmilk, and other bodily fluids. The name sounds mega scary, but it’s nothing to worry aboutRead more →

Meet Mackenzie in North Seattle: veteran, volunteer, survivor

No one expects to be diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma at 25—especially not when you have one of the most physically demanding jobs on the planet: MilitaryRead more →