Blog of Bloodworks Northwest

Concerns about Zika virus and blood donation

We are seeing many stories in the media about tropical viruses, particularly the Zika virus. Zika virus infection is spreading rapidly in the Western Hemisphere outsideRead more →

FDA issues final guidance on deferral criteria for gay and bisexual men

On December 21, 2015 the FDA issued its final guidance on deferral criteria for men who have had sex with men, or MSM. Under the FDARead more →

BloodworksNW celebrates 10 years with Angel Flight West

Most blood donors know that a pint of blood can save three lives because it can be separated into three components: red cells, plasma, and platelets.Read more →

Organ compatibility testing at Bloodworks Northwest

April is National Donate Life Month, designated to raise awareness of the need for organ donors and to celebrate those that have saved lives through theRead more →