Blog of Bloodworks Northwest

5 (Great) Reasons to Give Blood This Summer

Chances are, giving blood is somewhere on your to-do list. But let's face it: the summer months get busy (and it's so beautiful outside!). If you--like most of us--could use an extra nudge to roll up your sleeve, check out these five donor incentives available now.Read more →

Why We Need Diversity: A Message From Our CEO

The following message was sent to Bloodworks Northwest staff by President and CEO James P. AuBuchon. Many employees were touched by his message, which Dr. AuBuchonRead more →

The Key to This Friendship: 100 Blood Donations & Counting

What makes donating blood even easier? Having someone with you every step of the way.   Edie and Richard are longtime friends with something special inRead more →

Sickle Cell Disease and blood transfusions

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a chronic genetic blood disorder inherited from both parents. Having sickle cell trait (inheriting the gene from one parent but notRead more →