Welcome to Bloodworks First Person, a series profiling Bloodworks Northwest employees, volunteers and donors. Dr. Rebecca Kruse-Jarres is the medical director of Bloodworks’ Washington Center for Bleeding Disorders which helps patients with hemophilia and Von Willebrand disease be healthy and independent.
Name: Rebecca Kruse-Jarres
Bloodworks employeee since: June 2014
My job at Bloodworks is… Medical director of the Washington Center for Bleeding Disorders.
Currently, I’m working on… keeping all the balls in the air.
A very dear patient and my wonderful mentor, Cindy Leissinger…sparked my interest in my field.
I chose to come to Bloodworks because… I wanted to work with a patient population and community I care for very much – in an environment filled with curiosity to understand and improve the care for bleeding disorders.
I get most excited about my work when… my patients and team are happy.
If I could tell blood donors one thing, it would be… thank you, thank you, thank you (I guess those are 3 things).
My blood type is… A neg.
On Saturday mornings you can find me… sipping a cup of coffee enjoying the view from my home (if I am fortunate enough to be there and not travelling to a meeting or conference).
I’m currently reading… a medical journal, but can’t wait for the next good book.
When I have an hour of free-time, you’ll find me… what hour of free time?
My secret talent is… Hugs. I love to give hugs
My favorite hobby is… building something and physical activity.
You’ll never find me without… the will to find a silver lining.
The best advice I’ve ever received is… to find a husband that makes you smile.
I dream about one day… curing hemophilia and owning a coffee shop in the Caribbean…or hiking all the trails of Washington…or building bookcases in my living room…or going skiing for a whole month…or sitting in an Airstream in a remote campground sipping coffee with my husband on an early summer morning.
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